Not that the readers of The Greasy Spoon need any reminding:
Lady Login's Traditional Haggis (1856)
1 cleaned sheep or lamb's paunch
2 lb (900g) dry oatmeal
1 lb (450g) Lamb's liver, boiled and minced
1 lamb's heart, boiled and minced
1 lamb's lights boiled and minced
1 large finely chopped onion
½ teaspoon each: cayenne pepper, ground allspice, salt and pepper
1 pint (600 ml) stock
See that the paunch is well cleaned, then soak it in salt and water for about two hours, take out and let it dry. Put the oatmeal on a baking tray in a low oven and let it dry out and crisp up a little.
Then cook the liver, heart (trimmed) and lights in salted water to cover and cook for about 1½ hours. Strain, but reserve the stock, and chop the meats up finely, or mince. Mix all ingredients (except the paunch) together and season well. Then add the stock. Put into the cleaned paunch (fill to about half) and sew up loosely, but securely.
Have ready a large pot of boiling water mixed with the rest of the liver stock, prick the haggis all over with a small knitting needle to prevent bursting, then cook in the water and stock, at a slow simmer uncovered, but keep up water level, for about three hours. Serves about sixteen.