I'm very aware that I've rather neglected The Greasy Spoon over the last few months, due to 'pressures of work'- the blogger's perennial excuse. Sorry. But I'm glad to report that I am now hard at work on a new post for The Greasy Spoon. Fans of the Balham Mystery, aka The Bravo Poisoning (or Murder at the Priory) are in for a treat.
In the meantime, may I direct all Greasy Spooner's attention to my very recent feature, 'Dining on High', published in the excellent (and beautifully designed) cult Gourmand Journal? Six glorious pages on the revolving Post Office Tower restaurant- a celebrity favourite in the Swinging London of the late 60s and early 70s. Owned by none other than Sir Billy Butlin, and the haunt of the likes of Mick Jagger and Chrissie Shrimpton. You can subscribe to The Gourmand by following this link. Issue 13 out now. Hurry while stocks last!
And while I'm about it, a quick rant about The Greasy Spoon on social media. I know that some of you prefer to get your dose of The Spoon this way. That's dandy. But just to let you know- I'm now banned from posting any form of link to The Greasy Spoon on, and by, the Cromwellian organisation that is Facebook- as, apparently, my 'content fails to live up to their community values'. I've think I've finally worked out why this may be: it's 'cos I've included a handful of links- here and there- to interesting gin distillers in the past. Dearie me- naughty old Uncle Luke’s introducing the sinful pleasures of alcohol to the kiddywinks. Oh horror.
Actually, as we all know only too well, it's quite possible to declare that you were born in 1895 when you log in to any drinks website, so I suspect it's really more about covering their backs with the lawyers, isn't it?
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